Obtain an electronic proof of insurance card
You can keep rummaging through your glove compartment. Or you can choose a better option: a digital insurance card.
Proof of auto insurance — that small, usually perforated card that arrives in the mail along with your insurance declaration — is designed to be slipped into your car's glove compartment. But it can just as easily slip your mind. If it does, and you're stopped for even the most minor infraction, the consequences could run to hundreds of dollars in fines. It’s also important to have your insurance ID card in the car if you loan your car to anyone.
In a pinch, a digital insurance card can be substituted for the paper card in 49 states, with New Mexico being the exception. Consider checking with your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to help stay informed on proof of insurance card requirements.
If you are a State Farm® customer, you may easily get your auto insurance ID card emailed to you by providing your phone number and date of birth. Access to your insurance card is also available through the State Farm Mobile App.
Who needs to see my insurance ID card?
There will be times when an insurance ID card is needed either in paper or digital form.
- DMV — you may need to provide it when you renew your license plate.
- Police — no matter the reason, if stopped you need to show license, registration — and likely that little proof of insurance ID card. Without it, you may receive a stiff fine.
- Claimants — after an accident, both the other person involved and the officer on the scene likely will want to see your insurance ID.
- Dealership — when purchasing a new or used car, you'll need to provide proof of insurance before you can drive it home.
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Are there substitutes for the ID card?
Unfortunately, nothing can take the place of your insurance ID card — not even your most recent insurance payment receipt. Just about everywhere in the country, the law requires that you carry proof of insurance in the vehicle you're driving and present it to authorities when asked.
How can I get my insurance ID card?
The State Farm Mobile App, which provides an electronic insurance card, was created especially for those who prefer everything digital. It can give you instant access to electronic insurance ID cards, along with many other helpful and convenient functions. You can even add your electronic insurance card to your Apple Wallet, where it can be available on your phone without logging into the app.
In addition to our State Farm Mobile App, there are two additional ways to obtain your State Farm auto insurance ID card electronically:
- Download or access the insurance ID card on the My Accounts site.
- Have a copy of your insurance ID card emailed to you by simply providing your phone number and date of birth.