Simplify your life – go paperless

Cartoon depiction of woman sitting on a moving box with supplies stacked nearby.

Would you like less in your mailbox and less paper to keep track of? Less + less = paperless!

Setup is easy. Plus, you’ll help State Farm® take better care of the planet we share.

Want to enroll? Just enter your phone number and date of birth and you’re on your way. You can also log in to update your email preferences and we’ll send you an email when it’s time to go look at things like:

  • Your State Farm bills
  • Auto ID cards
  • Policy renewals
  • Claim status updates
  • Other important communications from us or your agent

As we enhance our electronic delivery, you'll receive fewer paper mailings. Sometimes, your state may require us to send certain documents in paper form, so don’t be surprised if you still get a few things in the mail.

Not a registered user? Start saving time by registering now.

What’s in it for me?

Convenience is just one reason to go paperless. But there’s more.

  • Access eligible documents securely online, anytime, anywhere you have internet access.
  • Make online payments easily – stop paying for postage.
  • Receive an email when you have new documents to view.
  • Easily get your auto ID card on your personal device through our mobile app.
  • Be a green neighbor.

Want to do even more with less paper?

You can go paperless for mutual funds or our privacy notice.

For mutual funds

  1. If you’re a registered user, log in to your “My Accounts” page and opt in to each paperless option.
  2. Select “Go Paperless” at the top of the “State Farm Mutual Funds” section.

For Notice of Privacy Policy

  1. If you’re a registered user, log in to your “My Accounts” page and opt in to each paperless option.
  2. In the header bar, from "My Accounts," select "Profile and Preferences."
  3. Select "Edit" under "Paperless Preferences."
  4. Check "I want to view my Privacy Policy online" and "Submit."

Not a registered user? Start saving time by registering now.